Thursday, December 5, 2013

Another Creepy Uncle Sam

Here it is folks, Another Creepy Uncle Sam ad straight the GOP! Since republicans have lost their battle with Obama Care, the next step is to get everyone to opt out. They are specifically targeting young people. The main theme being that before young people had a choice in healthcare plans and now we only have one. Throughout the ad they are in a dimly lit hospital with terrible hospital sounds. While the camera is panning through the hospital you see a few patients and they all look miserable and sick. Its almost as if this ad is showing you’re the future of what Obama Care will look like. The narrator is a young girl, which is another hint of their choice of audience. She talks about the ineffectiveness of the website and she speaks mostly about “our generation” having no choice in which health care plan we wanted. She makes you want to join her in this bandwagon speech about how everyone else is upset about Obama Care so why aren’t you?
The camera pans throughout the hospital as the buzzing noises get louder and louder. At the end of the ad you see creepy Uncle Sam with the operation board game and huge grin on his face. The narrator asks you to opt out of Obama Care because “our health care is NOT a game”. These ads are about scaring America’s young adults into opting out of Obama Care. The ads provide no information or facts about Obama Care or what will happen if you opt out. It is a strictly entertaining ad that is meant to make Obama Care a joke. It is also interesting that they call it Obama Care instead of the Affordable Care Act. I think it’s more important for the GOP to associate the audience with Obama rather than the Affordable Care Act. Watch this Video HERE!

The NSA Steals Christmas

I have recently found two political cartoons that have to do with the NSA and Christmas. The first one is this image of Santa “checking his list” as well as the NSA. The cartoon is in color, which means it probably wasn’t meant for newspaper unless it was transferred to black and white for a print version. Santa looks very nervous standing next the NSA member. The NSA member has a very sneaking look on his face as if he’s planning on spying on Americans. The NSA agent is matching Santa in a red tie and a red NSA badge. It may have something to do with a Republican influence in the cartoon. 41296 600 Santa and NSA cartoons 

The other cartoon I found was a play on the popular Elf of a Shelf toy. This a toy that you hide all over your house and it makes a mess. Since this is a toy I would say that these cartoon are for adults with kids and its purpose is to scare American citizens. I also think that since it’s Christmas time Republicans want you to remember the NSA scare. It’s been a while since the NSA scare has been on the front page of a newspaper, so it makes since that this Christmas themed cartoon is meant to remind of us of how scared we should be this holiday season with the NSA lurking just around the corner.
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Twitter's Reaction to Nelson Mandela's Death

A few minutes after it was announced the Nelson Mandela had died his name was trending on Twitter. NASA printed an image of South Africa from the satellites. It was an astounding shot from above. It was an interesting way to show respect and remembrance for Mandela, but it was also a way to advertise NASA. The caption reads, “In honor of Nelson Mandela, who died today, here is an image of South Africa from #ISS."

Among the Internets buzz of Mandela’s death, the White House tweeted a quote from President Obama that read, "I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela's life." In class we discussed how text could be visual in politics. When someone as famous as Mandela dies it is a true testament for the change in the world. Mike Tyson weighed in on Mandela’s death by posted a photo and himself and Mandela. In the photo they are smiling and holding hands. The text reads, “I'm hearing about Nelson Mandela's death while on African soil in Oran, Algeria. Sending prayers to Mandela's family.” Gloria Estefan also posted a picture of herself with Mandela.
            Twitter is a great tool for social media. It is interesting to see the way celebrities use Twitter to post on tragedies around the world. They could be wearing $5,000 dollar shoes but they want everyone to donate money to hurricane relief. This is a similar situation with Nelson Mandela. Are these celebrities actually grieving? Or is it a way to increase their status by posting pictures of them with the famous Mandela?